Resistance and aerobic exercise were tested alongside tai chi and yoga. Aerobic and resistance exercise together is the best combination for boosting brain power, new research finds. The results come from a review of 39 studies of people over 50-years-old doing all different types of exercise and activities, including: aerobic and resistance training, tai chi, and yoga. The results showed that all types of exercise improved the brain power of those over 50. Aerobic exercise boosts cognitive abilities, while resistance training was particularly good at boosting memory and executive function.
Amy Elliott “Gone Girl” Diagnosis
Amy Elliott is a 34-year old Caucasian female. She was mandated to undergo a psychiatric evaluation due to the complexity and severity of the crimes she committed. Amy presented as calm, collected, and well-groomed during the initial interview. She began the interview...
DBT – Myths about Interpersonal Effectiveness
Myths about Interpersonal Effectiveness Everybody has some worries about standing up for themselves expressing opinions and saying no. Some of these worries are based on myths about interpersonal behavior. There are two ways to counteract these myths 1. Try to argue...
6 Ways Being In Nature Linked To Life Satisfaction
A well managed natural environment is particularly important to people. Being in the natural environment is linked to higher satisfaction with life, new research finds. People were particularly satisfied if they felt their natural environment was being well managed. Dr Kelly Biedenweg, the study’s first author, said: “Whether people feel like things are fair and they have a voice in process of making decisions and whether governance is transparent — those are the foundations of why people even can interact with nature.” The results come from a survey of 4,000
Can Lack of Connection Cause Infant Death?
Dr. Louis Cozolino conveys that studying the brain alone does not provide a comprehensive analysis of human relationships, and social aspects must also be considered. “Researchers in neurobiology and neuroscience study the brain in scanners and on dissection tables...
The Common Sleep Pattern That Kills Attention And Creativity
Sleep pattern linked to better ideas, focus and planning. For a boost to your attention and creativity, keep your sleep regular, new research suggests. Regular sleep patterns are linked to higher focus, better ideas and stronger forward planning. People who skimp on sleep, then ‘catch-up’ with more sleep later suffer cognitive problems. The study was carried out on students studying interior design. Dr Michael Scullin, a study author, explained: “When completing term projects, students restrict sleep, then rebound on sleep, then repeat. Major projects which call for numerous tasks and
This Posture Doubles Dating Success On Tinder And Face-To-Face
The posture that makes both sexes look more attractive. Both men and women look more attractive when they adopt an expansive posture, a new study finds. Expansive postures include having the arms outward rather than folded, generally leaning backwards or with the legs apart rather than crossed. Expansive gestures tend to signify openness and dominance, which is why they are seen as more attractive. Dr Tanya Vacharkulksemsuk, the study’s first author, said: “We have seen it within the animal world, that taking on extra space and maximizing presence inside a
What Young Women Believe About Their Own Sexual Pleasure (Video)
“I spent three years talking to girls ages 15 to 20 about their attitudes and experience of sex. And what I found was that while young women may feel entitled to engage in sexual behavior, they don’t necessarily feel entitled to enjoy it.” – Peggy Orenstein American sex education courses are seriously lacking when it comes to the subject of women’s sexual anatomy and pleasure. Not only are terms like “vulva” and “clitoris” rarely uttered, but students typically learn nothing at all about the female orgasm, which (sadly) explains why
A Simple Way To Boost Social Confidence
An easy self-affirmation exercise helps reduce social insecurities for at least two months. Sometimes in life we get exactly what we expect. Nowhere is this more true than in social relations. When we meet someone new, if we expect to like them—for whatever reason—then they tend to like us. If we experience apprehension or nascent dislike then things can quickly go wrong. Psychologists have called it the ‘acceptance prophecy’ and there’s more about it in this previous article: The Acceptance Prophecy: How You Control Who Likes You. The problem is
How to be Successful at Online Dating, According to Science
Americans are increasingly going online in order to find romantic and sexual partners. However, despite the popularity of online dating, most Americans have never tried it. That’s partially because there’s still some stigma attached to online dating, but it’s also because the sheer idea of it seems overwhelming to many. For example, how do you create an effective profile? This step alone can be very intimidating because a lot of people are worried about saying or posting the “wrong” thing and having that hurt their chances. Fortunately, there are some