How To Instantly Read Someone’s Personality With One Question

One type of question can indirectly reveal a lot about a person’s personality. Asking someone what they think about other people reveals much about their own personality. The reason is that people tend to see more of their own qualities in others. The generous person sees others as generous and the selfish person sees others as selfish. Dr Dustin Wood, the study’s first author, said: “A huge suite of negative personality traits are associated with viewing others negatively. The simple tendency to see people negatively indicates a greater likelihood of

The Most Attractive Facial Feature On Women

What men look at most in the first 10 seconds of looking at a woman. The lips are the most attractive facial feature on women, according to a survey. In the first 10 seconds of meeting a women, on average, a man will spend around half that time looking at her lips. If the woman is wearing lipstick then it attracts men’s attention even more. Men fixated on pink lipstick for 6.7 seconds on average out of the first 10, and for 7.3 for red lipstick. When women wore lipstick

The Strangest Sign Of A Psychopath

This strange sign could help you spot a psychopath. Psychopaths find it hard to tell the difference between simple odours like fish and oranges, research finds. The finding comes from 79 non-criminal psychopaths whose smelling capabilities were tested. Each was checked out for psychopathic traits: how much they manipulated people, whether they had erratic lifestyles, how callous they were and their criminal tendencies. They were then given various common smells to identify, such as coffee, fish, orange, apple, peppermint, banana and liquorice. The stronger their psychopathic traits, the more difficulty

Do You And Your Partner Work From Home?

More and more people are opting to work from...