The Popular Supplement That Will Boost Your IQ

Improve both your memory and intelligence with a popular supplement. Creatine — a popular dietary supplement — boosts IQ and working memory, research finds. Creatine is generally known as a supplement used by athletes for gaining muscle mass. But that is not its only effect. For the research vegetarians and vegans were given creatine supplementation. Dr Caroline Rae, who led the study, explained the choice: “Vegetarians or vegans were chosen for the study as carnivores and omnivores obtain a variable level of creatine depending on the amount and type of

Higher Anxiety Linked To What You’re Probably Doing Right Now

A behaviour you’re probably doing right now has been consistently linked to anxiety. Sitting down all day has been linked to increased anxiety, a new study finds. Low energy activities like watching TV, working at a computer or playing electronic games may all be linked to anxiety. The link between sedentary behaviours and worse physical health is well-established. This study is the first to review the evidence on sedentary behaviours and the psychological impact on anxiety. Dr Megan Teychenne, who led the study, said: “Anecdotally — we are seeing an

The Vitamin That Stops People Getting Horrific Headaches

Largest study to date builds evidence that vitamin deficiency is linked to chronic headaches. Low levels of vitamin D are linked to chronic headaches, finds the largest ever study on the subject to date. A Finnish study of 2,601 men found that 68% had deficient vitamin D levels. Those reporting chronic headaches had lower levels of vitamin D than those who did not. Men with the lowest levels of vitamin D had twice the risk of chronic headaches as those with high levels of vitamin D. Chronic headaches were also

Husband or Wife? The Partner Whose Happiness Matters More For The Marriage

Which spouse’s happiness is most important for marital satisfaction? When the wife is happy with a long-term partnership, the husband is happier, no matter how he feels about the marriage. For marital quality, it seems the wife’s happiness matters more than the husband’s. The conclusion comes from a new study published in the Journal of Marriage and Family, which looked at the marital satisfaction and happiness of older adults (Carr et al., 2014). Professor Deborah Carr, the study’s first author said: “I think it comes down to the fact that