The Type of People Most Likely To Be Manipulative, Self-Admiring Psychopaths

The type of people most likely to be psychopaths, narcissists and manipulators. People who have a tendency to stay up late are more likely to exhibit anti-social personality traits, like narcissism and psychopathy. Machiavellianism, narcissism and psychopathy — menacingly called ‘the Dark Triad’ — were all linked with the preference for late bedtimes in research published in the journal Personality and Individual Differences (Jonason et al., 2013). Dr. Peter K. Jonason, explained: “Those who scored highly on the Dark Triad traits are, like many other predators such as lions and

The Personality Type Most Likely To Cheat On Their Partner

The top two psychological causes of infidelity. Men and women cheat on their partners at about equal rates. According to various studies, somewhere between 40% and 76% of people cheat on their partners over the course of their relationship. The type of people most likely to cheat are those with ‘avoidant attachment styles’. In other words: these are people who find intimacy uncomfortable. They are the kind of people who want to avoid being too attached to one person. This could be because of poor parental relationships when they were

The 2 Ways A Psychopath’s Brain Is Really Unusual

Brain scans of 49 criminals predicted how many crimes they had been convicted of. Psychopaths are not ‘aliens’, but people who make bad, short-sighted-decisions, argues a Harvard neuroscientist. They are everyday human beings whose brains are wired differently to the rest of us. Just how differently is revealed in a new study published in the journal Neuron. The study found that psychopaths: focus mostly on reward, and don’t think much about the consequences of their actions. This is quite different to most people whose natural response is to consider: what

How Dementia Can Be Prevented For One-In-Three

There are 9 risk factors for dementia, which can all be reduced. One-in-three cases of dementia is a result of manageable lifestyle factors, a new report from 24 international experts concludes. There are nine risk factors identified by dementia experts: low levels of education, midlife hearing loss, physical inactivity, high blood pressure (hypertension), type 2 diabetes, obesity, smoking, depression, and social isolation. These risk factors account for 35% of dementia cases. In other words: changing or managing these factors will help fight off dementia. Addressing high blood pressure, obesity and