The Compliments That Women Find Most Attractive

The type of compliment that women prefer. Using metaphorical compliments makes men more attractive to women than using literal ones, new research finds. Women in the Chinese study found men more attractive if they used phrases like “Your eyes are morning dew”. On the other hand, saying things like “Your lips are so sexy”, was not the way to go. It is very clear which type of compliment is most romantic, but the use of metaphor has another subtle purpose. Metaphors require more intelligence and creativity to generate so they

Anxiety Has This Unexpected Mental Advantage

Anxiety has an unexpected effect on memory. People with manageable levels of anxiety did better in a memory test, recalling more details, new research finds. Anxious people’s memories are particularly good when they are in a negative mindset, even if the things they are trying to remember are neutral. This is ironic since anxious people often feel their memory is worse than others and spend longer self-questioning. Anxiety also serves to taint memories, however, the researchers found. Events that might seem neutral to most people can seem negative to those

What Antidepressants Do To People In The Long Run

Study tests if antidepressants really help depressed people feel better in the long run. Over nine years, depressed people were better off if they had no treatment at all than if they took antidepressants, new research finds. In addition, depressed people that got adequate treatment without medication did better nine years later than those who got adequate treatment with medication. It may be that taking antidepressants causes more harm than no treatment whatsoever in the long run. These effects could be the result of many factors that others have suggested.

The Breakthrough Drugs That Lift Depression In Hours

Paradigm shift in the treatment of serious depression and bipolar disorder. Ketamine and related drugs can treat major depressive disorder and bipolar depression inside 24-hours, the latest studies are finding. It rapidly reduces suicidal thoughts. Some doctors have begun to use the drugs ‘off-label’ to help people with treatment-resistant depression. Ketamine is a type of anaesthetic that studies have shown produces a rapid antidepressant effect, a new review of the research finds. Two hours after being injected the drug begins to work and its effects reach their peak after 24

Why Smart People Are More Prone To Anxiety

Why Smart People Are More Prone To Anxiety

The reason high intelligence and anxiety are correlated. Intelligence and anxiety may have evolved together as mutually beneficial traits, research finds. This may help to explain why people with high intelligence also tend to have higher levels of anxiety. The benefit may be that intelligence allows people to better imagine what might go wrong. Worriers tend to keep out of danger so that their genes are the ones carried forward into the next generation. Non-worries, meanwhile, starved to death because they didn’t prepare for winter or failed to anticipate an

The Most Severe Personality Disorder Weakens Empathic Brain Activity

The Most Severe Personality Disorder Weakens Empathic Brain Activity

Why people with the most severe personality disorder find it difficult to have romantic relationships and friendships. People with borderline personality disorder have deficits in brain regions related to empathy, new research finds. The finding helps explain why people with borderline personality disorder have unstable moods. They also often have trouble maintaining relationships with others. Dr Brian Haas, the study’s lead authors, said: “Our results showed that people with BPD traits had reduced activity in brain regions that support empathy. This reduced activation may suggest that people with more BPD

How To Have An Extraordinary Memory At 80

How To Have An Extraordinary Memory At 80

Superagers reveal how we can all age gracefully. Warm and trusting social relationships could be the key to having an extraordinary memory when you are 80. The conclusion comes from new research on so-called ‘superagers’ — people who have the cognitive abilities of those up to 30 years younger. The decline in superager’s memory and other cognitive skills is much slower than their peers. They also report having more high-quality and satisfying relationships with other people. Dr Emily Rogalski, a study author, said: “You don’t have the be the life

Signs Of Depression Revealed By Social Media Photos

Signs Of Depression Revealed By Social Media Photos

Posting this type of image online linked to depression. People who are depressed can be identified from their social media photos 70% of the time, new research finds. Depressed people have a tendency to post (literally) darker pictures. They are also more likely to use a filter to convert their images to black-and-white. Dr Christopher Danforth, who co-authored the study, explained the signs to look for: “Our analysis of user accounts from a popular social media app revealed that photos posted by people diagnosed with depression tended to be darker

Average or High IQ — Who Is More Wealthy?

Average or High IQ — Who Is More Wealthy?

“If you’re so smart, why aren’t you rich?” Being smart has almost no relationship to wealth, research reveals. Smart people are no more wealthy than those who are considerably less smart, on average, a study has found. Perversely, very clever people are actually at a slightly higher risk of financial problems. Dr Jay Zagorsky, the study’s author, said: “People don’t become rich just because they are smart. Your IQ has really no relationship to your wealth. And being very smart does not protect you from getting into financial difficulty.” The

If Music Gives You Chills, Your Brain Could Be Unique

If Music Gives You Chills, Your Brain Could Be Unique

“I sort of feel that my breathing is going with the song, my heart is beating slower and I’m feeling just more aware of the song…” Getting goosebumps or a lump in your throat while listening to music is relatively rare, research finds. It could be an indication that your brain is unique, according to recent research that examined how the feeling of chills is triggered. People who feel chills from music have an enhanced ability to feel emotions. This could be down to a structural difference in the brain.

The Facial Flaw That Makes Men Look More Attractive

The Facial Flaw That Makes Men Look More Attractive

It could be a sign of bravery and health. Women find small facial scars attractive when looking for a short-term relationship, research finds. Previously it was thought scars made men look less attractive in this context. However, it seems women may link scars to bravery and health. For long-term relationships, male scarring made no difference to women’s perceptions of attractiveness. When men looked at pictures of women with small scars and without, it made no difference, whatever type of relationship they were considering. Dr Rob Burriss, the study’s first author,

Best Way To Make Your Face Look Younger Revealed By Research

Best Way To Make Your Face Look Younger Revealed By Research

The effect was tested on many ethnicities: French Caucasian women, Chinese Asian women, Latin American women and South African women. When women’s facial features stand out more, they look younger, new research finds. What the researchers call ‘facial contrast’, was linked to an appearance of youth, regardless of ethnic group. Naturally, people’s facial features merge into each other with age. Ms Aurélie Porcheron, the study’s first author, said: “Facial contrast refers to how much the eyes, lips and eyebrows stand out in the face in terms of how light or

7 Common Neuromyths That Many Educators Believe

7 Common Neuromyths That Many Educators Believe

Do any of these myths about the brain catch you out? Surveys of teachers have revealed that many believe seven common myths about the brain, likely because the simple explanations are often attractive, even if totally wrong. The results come from surveys of teachers in the UK, Turkey, Holland, Greece and China, reported in the journal Nature Reviews Neuroscience (Howard-Jones, 2014). See if any catch you out… 1. Myth: Right-brained/left-brained Around 70% of teachers believed that a person is either ‘right-brained’ or ‘left-brained’. This popular neuromyth has been debunked by

The Unexpected Reason Divorce Runs In The Family

The Unexpected Reason Divorce Runs In The Family

Working on commitment may NOT be the key for couples having problems with their relationship. Genes are the main reason why divorce runs in families, new research finds. Psychologists used to think that the potential for divorce was transmitted from one generation to the next by psychological means. But the new research finds that it is really genetics that are at the root — although psychological factors are important. For example, neurotic people tend to see their partners in a more negative light. The personality trait of neuroticism is passed