People with more narcissistic personality traits watch these kinds of TV shows. People who watch more reality TV tend to have more narcissistic personality traits, new research finds. Those who watch more news programs, though, tend to have lower scores on a test of narcissism. Reality shows may simply draw more people who have vain and narcissistic traits. It could also be that the shows are contributing to people’s narcissism. Ted Dickinson, a study co-author, said: “I suspect the truth is probably somewhere in the middle. Some people with narcissistic
Does anxiety have a devastating effect on your life? Luckily, there are some simple steps that you can take to manage your stress. Anxiety includes feelings of apprehension, fear, and worry. Anyone can experience it on different levels, like physical, emotional or...
The Diet That Reduces Depression Risk
People eating this diet felt more positive and were more likely to be flourishing. Eating raw fruits and vegetables is linked to better mental health, new research finds. People eating raw fruit and veg were at lower risk of depression and more likely to be flourishing and feeling positive about life. Raw bananas and apples were particularly beneficial, along with ‘salad fixings’. Just over 6 servings of raw fruit and vegetables provided the maximum benefit to mental health. Cooked, canned or processed fruits and vegetables were not linked to the
DBT – Ideas for Practicing Nonjudgmentalness
Ideas for Practicing Nonjudgmentalness Leaving out comparisons, judgments, and assumptions: 1. Practice observing judgmental thoughts and statements, saying in your mind, “A judgmental thought arose in my mind.” 2. Count judgmental thoughts and statements (by moving...
DBT-Radical Acceptance
Radical Acceptance (When you cannot keep painful events and emotions from coming your way.) What Is Radical Acceptance? 1. Radical means all the way, complete and total. 2. It is accepting in your mind, your heart, and your body. 3. It’s when you stop fighting...
How Childhood Spanking Affects Personality Based on 10 Years of Research
The study is one of the few to follow children over a decade.
• Try one of PsyBlog's ebooks, all written by Dr Jeremy Dean:
Activate: How To Find Joy Again By Changing What You Do (NEW)
The Anxiety Plan: 42 Strategies For Worry, Phobias, OCD and Panic
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Mental Research Institute (MRI) Systemic Therapy
Mental Research Institute (MRI) Systemic Therapy for families and couples MRI systemic therapy was developed with the intention of being a brief therapy, arguably the original brief therapy. MRI systemic therapists conceptualize the symptoms of individuals within the...
Parental Influence on Infant Brain Development
The role of a parent in an individual’s mental health development and the health of our society, has never been so prevalent to me after studying the theories of Alfred Adler, Louis Cozolino, and Karen Horney. Each of these theorists agree that early childhood...
Amy Elliott “Gone Girl” Diagnosis
Amy Elliott is a 34-year old Caucasian female. She was mandated to undergo a psychiatric evaluation due to the complexity and severity of the crimes she committed. Amy presented as calm, collected, and well-groomed during the initial interview. She began the interview...
Can Lack of Connection Cause Infant Death?
Dr. Louis Cozolino conveys that studying the brain alone does not provide a comprehensive analysis of human relationships, and social aspects must also be considered. “Researchers in neurobiology and neuroscience study the brain in scanners and on dissection tables...