Counseling VS Mentorship: What’s the Difference?

There comes a time in most of our lives when we...

4 Types of TV Shows That Highly Narcissistic People Love to Watch

People with more narcissistic personality traits watch these kinds of TV shows. People who watch more reality TV tend to have more narcissistic personality traits, new research finds. Those who watch more news programs, though, tend to have lower scores on a test of narcissism. Reality shows may simply draw more people who have vain and narcissistic traits. It could also be that the shows are contributing to people’s narcissism. Ted Dickinson, a study co-author, said: “I suspect the truth is probably somewhere in the middle. Some people with narcissistic

The Diet That Reduces Depression Risk

People eating this diet felt more positive and were more likely to be flourishing. Eating raw fruits and vegetables is linked to better mental health, new research finds. People eating raw fruit and veg were at lower risk of depression and more likely to be flourishing and feeling positive about life. Raw bananas and apples were particularly beneficial, along with ‘salad fixings’. Just over 6 servings of raw fruit and vegetables provided the maximum benefit to mental health. Cooked, canned or processed fruits and vegetables were not linked to the

The Clothing That Makes People Feel More Empathy

How clothing affects the empathy that other people feel towards us. Wearing less revealing and more comfortable clothing makes other people feel more empathy towards you, new research finds. However, when women in the study wore a short dress, heels and heavy make-up, it reduced how much empathy others felt towards them. The same was true whether it was a man or woman observing the other woman. When wearing comfortable trousers, a jersey, ballet flats and light make-up, others felt more empathy towards them. The results are likely because revealing

An Easy Way To Get Rid Of Negative Thoughts

An Easy Way To Get Rid Of Negative Thoughts

Psychologists have been using variations on this technique, but this is the first study to show it works. To get rid of negative thoughts, write them down on a piece of paper and literally throw them away. While it might sound too easy, psychological research shows it can be effective. People in the study who did this found they also mentally discarded the thought as well. Professor Richard Petty, study co-author, said: “However you tag your thoughts — as trash or as

What Forced Sex Fantasies Mean In the #MeToo Era

What Forced Sex Fantasies Mean In the #MeToo Era

In the real world, forcing someone to have sex is something that is widely regarded as a repugnant act. By contrast, in our sexual fantasies, the prospect of being forced to have sex is something that many people find to be a major turn-on. For instance, research on the prevalence of so-called “rape fantasies, “ or fantasies about being forced to have sex against one’s will, has found that they are quite common. Indeed, studies have found that anywhere from 31% to 57% of women report having had these fantasies;

The Best Character Trait For A Long-Term Partner

The Best Character Trait For A Long-Term Partner

The personality trait is linked to healthier and more stable relationships. Having a conscientious partner is best for one’s health, research finds. A conscientious partner also tends to have more stable relationships. That is quite apart from the benefit of living with someone who can hold down a job and who puts the bins out. Professor Brent Roberts, the study’s first author, said: “Highly conscientious people are more organized and responsible and tend to follow through with their obligations, to be more impulse controlled and to follow rules.” Conscientious people

This Is The Mental Hallmark Of Depression

This Is The Mental Hallmark Of Depression

Why negative thoughts make some people depressed, while others quickly dismiss them. “Sticky thoughts” are the hallmark of depression, research finds. Bad things happen to most of us at some point, but some people take it worse than others. This is partly down to the inability to mentally turn away from them. Thoughts about negative experiences can get ‘stuck’ in the brain. Professor Jutta Joormann, the study’s first author, explained what happens in the minds of depressed people: “They basically get stuck in a mindset where they relive what happened

The Fast-Acting Drug That Lifts Severe Depression In 40 Minutes

The Fast-Acting Drug That Lifts Severe Depression In 40 Minutes

The drug takes effect within hours. Ketamine — a type of anaesthetic — has anti-suicidal effects within hours of administration, new research finds. The drug performed better than a commonly used sedative called midazolam. The drug could be useful for those experiencing suicidal thoughts. Dr Michael Grunebaum, the study’s first author, said: “There is a critical window in which depressed patients who are suicidal need rapid relief to prevent self-harm. Currently available antidepressants can be effective in reducing suicidal thoughts in patients with depression, but they can take weeks to

The Most Narcissistic Generation Were Born Between These Years

The Most Narcissistic Generation Were Born Between These Years

…and how members of the most narcissistic generation ever react to the label. People born between 1988 and 1994 — so-called “millennials” — are the most narcissistic generation ever. At least that is their view and the view of both their parents and grandparents. Not that the label sits well with them, new research finds. Mr Joshua Grubbs, a millennial himself who led the research, said: “Millennials and older generations agree that millennials are the most narcissistic. They just disagree to the extent of the narcissism.” People in the study

How Experiencing Joy Can Help Children and Promote Optimal Development

How Experiencing Joy Can Help Children and Promote Optimal Development

Joy is a powerful tool for solving childhood challenges. Yet in our culture of doing, teaching, treating and pathologizing, too often we forget that when a child needs help, the first thing we should increase is joy. This is certainly true in my own field, child psychology, in which we often prioritize theories, techniques and analyzing behaviors over being present and building relationships. The simple truth is that joy leads to healing and supports optimal development. I experienced this years ago in a sad moment for my family. My beloved

A Risky Sign That You Are Smarter Than Average

A Risky Sign That You Are Smarter Than Average

The behavior is linked to more white matter, the brain’s ‘superhighway’. People who take calculated risks are likely to be smarter than average, research finds. People making quick decisions and taking chances have more white matter in their brains. White matter is sometimes called the ‘superhighway’ of the brain: it transmits signals and regulates communication. The researchers were surprised by the result as they expected the exact opposite: that smarter people would spend more time evaluating the situation before making a decision. Dr Dagfinn Moe, study co-author, explained: “We expected

8 Steps For Handling Passive-Aggressive People

8 Steps For Handling Passive-Aggressive People

How to spot someone who is passive-aggressive and how to handle them. Some people find it very hard to express their concerns directly. Here are some of the ways that passive-aggressive people attempt to communicate their irritation: Procrastination. Deliberately being inefficient. Trying to blame others. Doing something just too late to be useful. Doing something badly so it is not useful. Saying ‘I forgot’, when they didn’t. Acting sullen. Of course all of these could just as easily not have a passive-aggressive intent — that is the advantage of this

The Best Exercise To Quickly Improve Memory

The Best Exercise To Quickly Improve Memory

Each exercise session was only 20-minutes long. Short bursts of high-intensity exercise provide a considerable boost to memory, new research finds. The study showed that healthy young adults increased their memory performance in a relatively short period of time. Each exercise session was only 20-minutes long, during which they did short bouts of intense exercise. Those with the greatest fitness gains saw increases in brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF). This is a protein that supports the function, growth and survival of brain cells. Dr Jennifer Heisz, the study’s first author, said: