Control Emotions And Habits In Only 25 Minutes Per Day

How to improve the brain’s executive functions in only 25 minutes a day. Just 25 minutes of yoga or meditation a day is enough to boost all kinds of cognitive powers, new research finds. Both practices effectively improved the brain’s executive functions. This helps people control their habits, their emotions and how they set and complete goals. Dr Peter Hall, one of the study’s authors, said: “Hatha yoga and mindfulness meditation both focus the brain’s conscious processing power on a limited number of targets like breathing and posing, and also

How To Make Your Brain Think Faster Under Stress

How to get your brain to run more efficiently under stress. Writing about your feelings can help your brain work more efficiently, new research finds. For people who are chronic worriers, this method can help free up a lot of cognitive resources. Mr Hans Schroder, the study’s first author, said: “…it’s kind of like people who struggle with worry are constantly multitasking — they are doing one task and trying to monitor and suppress their worries at the same time. Our findings show that if you get these worries out

5 Early Signs Of Autism Most People Miss

How to identify autism before 18 months of age. Autism is not usually diagnosed before two-years-old. However, the subtle warning signs can be seen even earlier — perhaps before the age of 18 months. The earlier a child is diagnosed with autism, the quicker the treatments can begin. The five early warning signs of autism are: More limited and repetitive play, less name response, less social smiling, less babbling, limited gesture use. Before one-year-old it is difficult to spot any of these signs. But between 12 and 18-months, it is

Single Or Married: Which Is The Happiest Life?

The two surveys involved around 370,000 people in the UK. Being married brings people more lifelong happiness than being single, new research finds. The boost to happiness in being married also persists into old age. The positive effect of marriage is even stronger for those people who described their partner as their best friend. The findings were just the same for those people who lived together but were not actually married. Professor John Helliwell, study co-author, said: “Even after years the married are still more satisfied. This suggests a causal

The Best Way To Stop Depression From Recurring

The Best Way To Stop Depression From Recurring

Depression frequently recurs but therapy and drugs are not the only answers. Seeking out social relationships may help people to recover from depression. Building a social support system helps people stay depression-free. In addition, people who find activities they enjoy recover better from depression. By contrast, people who are aggressive loners are at a heightened risk of depression recurrence, research finds. Those who do not seek out social relationships find it harder to recover from depression. Aggression can also make it difficult to for these type of people to heal.

The Personality Traits That Protect Against Depression

The Personality Traits That Protect Against Depression

Study finds beneficial effect of these two personality traits together on depression. Being extraverted and conscientious helps to reduce the risk of depression in neurotic people, new research finds. People who are highly neurotic typically look at the world in a negative way. They also find it hard to deal with stress and can experience a lot of negative emotions. However, it seems being social and organised helps to ameliorate the effect. Dr Kristin Naragon-Gainey, the study’s first author, explained: “If someone has high levels of extraversion they might be

This Drink Reduces New Brain Cells 40%

This Drink Reduces New Brain Cells 40%

New brain cells in the hippocampus — an area critical for memory — were reduced by 40%. Even moderate alcohol intake could reduce the brain’s ability to produce new cells by 40%, research suggests. Regularly having as little as 3 to 4 alcoholic drinks could reduce the structural integrity of the adult brain. Ms Megan Anderson, the study’s first author, said: “Moderate drinking can become binge drinking without the person realizing it. In the short term there may not be any noticeable motor skills or overall functioning problems, but in

Psychopaths Use These Words Twice As Often

Psychopaths Use These Words Twice As Often

Psychopaths use these words twice as often as non-psychopaths. Psychopaths use words related to food, sex and money twice as often as non-psychopaths, a study finds. Psychopaths are also less likely to use words related to family, religion and social needs. The trends in word use reflect how psychopaths display excessive selfishness, detachment and emotional flatness. The results come from an analysis of stories told by 14 psychopathic murderers in Canadian prisons. They were compared with 38 convicted murderers who were not psychopaths. Each criminal talked about their crime in

The Simple Depression Treatment That Works In 24 Hours

The Simple Depression Treatment That Works In 24 Hours

30 years worth of research reveals that 50% of people benefit from this simple treatment. Sleep deprivation can rapidly reduce the symptoms of depression, 30 years of research suggests. Around half of people with depression who are sleep deprived under controlled, inpatient conditions feel better quickly. Many see improvements in just 24 hours, in comparison to the weeks it can take for antidepressants to start working. ‘Wake therapy’, as it is sometimes called, involves staying awake all night and the next day. Around 50% of people find their depression improves

Autism Explained: Simple New Theory Links Confusing Array of Symptoms

Autism Explained: Simple New Theory Links Confusing Array of Symptoms

New theory may explain the complex set of symptoms seen in autism. People with autism often display a complex and confusing range of symptoms, including hypersensitivity to sound, problems interacting with others and repetitive behaviours. Scientist have long wondered what all these — and other, seemingly unrelated symptoms — have in common. Now MIT researchers are testing a brand new theory: that autistic children have difficulties predicting what is going to happen next, and it’s this problem that is at the root of autism (Sinha et al., 2014). Without the

The Unexpected Way To Reduce Negative Emotions

The Unexpected Way To Reduce Negative Emotions

Despite the hardships of ageing, people generally feel happier as they get older. The secret to getting happier with age is learning acceptance, research suggests. Part of acceptance is learning to engage with negative emotions, which might seem an odd way of reducing them. However, older people experienced less anger and negative emotions, the study found. At the same time, they also showed increase levels of acceptance. Acceptance, is not about giving up, but about engaging with emotions, both positive and negative. As the study’s authors explain the… “…goal of

The Simplest Way To Improve Memory And Learning By 30%

The Simplest Way To Improve Memory And Learning By 30%

The activities that cause a 30% hit to learning and memory. Getting enough bright light could be one of the simplest ways to improve memory and learning. Too long spent indoors in dim lighting causes damaging changes to the brain’s structure and function, new research finds. Continual exposure to dim lighting hurts parts of the brain that are central to memory and learning. The study of rodents found they lost 30% capacity in their hippocampus — a structure important for memory — when they were kept in dim light for

How To Feel Happier In Only Two Minutes A Day

How To Feel Happier In Only Two Minutes A Day

Both happiness and general well-being were boosted in the study of 395 people. Taking a few moments to stop and look at something in the natural environment is enough to make people happier, research finds. LIterally, ‘stopping and smelling the roses’, or in this case noticing anything in the natural world really does work. Both happiness and well-being were boosted by noticing things like a bird, a house plant, a dandelion in the sidewalk, or just the sun shining through the window. In the research, people took a photo of

The Belief That Cuts Dementia Risk In Half

The Belief That Cuts Dementia Risk In Half

The simple belief about old age that halves your dementia risk. Having a positive attitude towards ageing can half the risk of developing dementia, new research finds. People with the strongest genetic risk factor for depression — the ε4 variant of the APOE gene — were 49.8% less likely to develop the disease compared to those with a negative view of ageing. For those without the genetic risk factor, those with positive beliefs about ageing had a 43.6% lower chance of developing dementia. Professor Becca Levy, the study’s first author,