Those who had played the game had 62% fewer intrusive memories in the following week. Playing Tetris — a retro tile-matching puzzle game — can help reduce the formation of intrusive memories after a traumatic event, new research finds. Participants in the study had all been involved in a car accident in the last six hours. They were waiting in the E.R. in Oxford, England. While waiting to be seen, some were encouraged to play Tetris. A comparison group just filled in an activity log of what had happened since
The Best Exercise Combination To Boost Brain Power
Resistance and aerobic exercise were tested alongside tai chi and yoga. Aerobic and resistance exercise together is the best combination for boosting brain power, new research finds. The results come from a review of 39 studies of people over 50-years-old doing all different types of exercise and activities, including: aerobic and resistance training, tai chi, and yoga. The results showed that all types of exercise improved the brain power of those over 50. Aerobic exercise boosts cognitive abilities, while resistance training was particularly good at boosting memory and executive function.
Amy Elliott “Gone Girl” Diagnosis
Amy Elliott is a 34-year old Caucasian female. She was mandated to undergo a psychiatric evaluation due to the complexity and severity of the crimes she committed. Amy presented as calm, collected, and well-groomed during the initial interview. She began the interview...
DBT – Myths about Interpersonal Effectiveness
Myths about Interpersonal Effectiveness Everybody has some worries about standing up for themselves expressing opinions and saying no. Some of these worries are based on myths about interpersonal behavior. There are two ways to counteract these myths 1. Try to argue...
6 Ways Being In Nature Linked To Life Satisfaction
A well managed natural environment is particularly important to people. Being in the natural environment is linked to higher satisfaction with life, new research finds. People were particularly satisfied if they felt their natural environment was being well managed. Dr Kelly Biedenweg, the study’s first author, said: “Whether people feel like things are fair and they have a voice in process of making decisions and whether governance is transparent — those are the foundations of why people even can interact with nature.” The results come from a survey of 4,000
Can Lack of Connection Cause Infant Death?
Dr. Louis Cozolino conveys that studying the brain alone does not provide a comprehensive analysis of human relationships, and social aspects must also be considered. “Researchers in neurobiology and neuroscience study the brain in scanners and on dissection tables...
The Common Sleep Pattern That Kills Attention And Creativity
Sleep pattern linked to better ideas, focus and planning. For a boost to your attention and creativity, keep your sleep regular, new research suggests. Regular sleep patterns are linked to higher focus, better ideas and stronger forward planning. People who skimp on sleep, then ‘catch-up’ with more sleep later suffer cognitive problems. The study was carried out on students studying interior design. Dr Michael Scullin, a study author, explained: “When completing term projects, students restrict sleep, then rebound on sleep, then repeat. Major projects which call for numerous tasks and
The Type of Dairy Products Linked To Lower Depression
Certain dairy products are associated with lower rates of depression. People who consume low-fat dairy products are less likely to be depressed than those who prefer whole-fat. The conclusions come from researchers in Japan and China. They studied 1,159 Japanese adults aged between 19 and 83. All were asked about their dairy consumption and levels of depression. People who ate low-fat dairy between one and four times a week were less depressed, the results showed. The benefits of dairy products could be down to trytophan, the study’s authors write: “Dairy
The Real Reason Sad Music Can Be Pleasurable
The real reason some people enjoy listening to sad music. Music that makes you cry gives pleasure, new research finds. This might help to explain the enduring popularity of sad music. The results come from a study that tested the cathartic effect of sad music. Participants in the study were divided into two groups based on their responses to four questions: “While listening to music, how frequently do you (1) get goose bumps, (2) feel shivers down your spine, (3) feel like weeping, and (4) get a lump in your
6 Signs You May Have Adult ADHD
8.2% of people have attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, double the previously reported rate. Many people say their attention is gotten poorer in the digital age. But, is it just a regular inability to focus, or is it a ‘disorder’? Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, also known as ADHD or ADD, can cause people to have problems with simple day-to-day tasks, like paying bills. It may even cause someone to lose their job, through persistent lateness or failing to perform routine tasks. The World Health Organisation has released the latest version of