Teens and Adolescents: Mental Health Struggles are Increasing

The Mental Health Crisis in Teens and Adolescents The teenage years are often seen as a time of life full of joy, growth, and exploration. While this is true, there are also a lot of mental health struggles that come…

12 Jobs That Make People Most Satisfied

…and the 12 linked to the least satisfaction with life. The clergy are the happiest and most satisfied workers in America, a large US survey finds. 87% of them reported being very satisfied with their work. They are closely followed by physical therapists, 80% of whom were very satisfied with their work and firefighters, 78% of whom were very satisfied. Dr Tom W. Smith, the study’s author, explained the common thread in these different jobs: “The most satisfying jobs are mostly professions, especially those involving caring for, teaching, and protecting

The Emotion That Does Change People’s Behaviour After All

Plus: four ways the effect of this emotion on behaviour change can be increased. Fear really can change people’s behaviour, a new review of the research finds. It was thought that using fear might produce a backlash effect — but this is not the case. Women are particularly susceptible to behaviour change by fear. Appeals which evoke fear are frequently used in all sorts of messages aimed at the public. For example, fear is used to try and stop people smoking or to support certain political policies. It is perhaps

This Sleep Pattern Linked To Dementia

Sleep disturbance is common in dementia, but the reason is unclear. Getting less REM sleep — the phase in which we dream — is linked to dementia, a study finds. During sleep the brain cycles between periods of deep sleep and then up towards shallower periods of sleep in which we tend to dream, whether we remember those dreams or not. During REM sleep the eyes move rapidly from side-to-side (hence Rapid Eye Movement Sleep). Brain activity also increases and our pulses quicken. Dr Matthew P. Pase, the study’s first

Am I Sad or Depressed?

Am I Sad or Depressed?

Into each life a little rain must fall is a way of saying every one of us will experience sadness in our lifetime. It is completely normal and natural. But there are some people who feel something deeper and darker…