DBT – Ideas for Practicing Nonjudgmentalness

Ideas for Practicing Nonjudgmentalness Leaving...

How to Find Friends as an Adult

You may remember growing up, meeting your best...

80% Say This Improves Their Depression And Anxiety

Few people with depression are given a comprehensive plan by their health provider. Over 80% of people experiencing depression say exercise improves their mood and anxiety most of the time. Yet only around one-third actually reach the recommended exercise levels of at least 150 minutes per week. Unfortunately, around half of people find that low mood makes it difficult to get motivated to exercise. Dr Carol Janney, who led the study, said: “Physical activity has been shown to be effective in alleviating mild to moderate depression and anxiety. Current physical

The Best Exercise Combination To Boost Brain Power

Resistance and aerobic exercise were tested alongside tai chi and yoga. Aerobic and resistance exercise together is the best combination for boosting brain power, new research finds. The results come from a review of 39 studies of people over 50-years-old doing all different types of exercise and activities, including: aerobic and resistance training, tai chi, and yoga. The results showed that all types of exercise improved the brain power of those over 50. Aerobic exercise boosts cognitive abilities, while resistance training was particularly good at boosting memory and executive function.

Mindfully Healing’s response to COVID-19

Mindfully Healing’s response to COVID-19

We have been closely monitoring the development of COVID-19 as cases have emerged in Minnesota and our local community. Proper sanitation standards are not new to us - our regular protocols require thorough sanitation between every patient interaction at Mindfully...