How Childhood Spanking Affects Personality Based on 10 Years of Research

The study is one of the few to follow children over a decade.
• Try one of PsyBlog's ebooks, all written by Dr Jeremy Dean:

Activate: How To Find Joy Again By Changing What You Do (NEW)
The Anxiety Plan: 42 Strategies For Worry, Phobias, OCD and Panic
Spark: 17 Steps That Will Boost Your Motivation For Anything

Social Rejection Has A Surprising Mental Advantage

Being rejected socially, can give you this outsider advantage. Being rejected socially makes people more creative, research finds. Feeling outside the group helps people generate more novel ideas. It may help to explain why so many great artists were outsiders — people who lived separate lives in order to produce works that would surprise and delight the rest of us. The study’s authors call it the ‘outsider advantage’. Professor Jack Goncalo, who led the study, said: “If you have the right way of managing rejection, feeling different can help you

Healthy Relationship Components

Loving relationships harness intimacy, passion,...

The Classic Sign Of A Social Anxiety Disorder

Are you just shy or is it a social anxiety disorder? The classic sign of a social anxiety disorder is a strong fear of embarrassment or humiliation in social situations, research finds. Bear in mind that many people are apprehensive in unfamiliar social situations or with those they do not know. Social anxiety disorder is more than being shy. To be a social anxiety disorder, the fear should be so great that the social situation can only be born with considerable distress. Either that or social situations are often avoided

Meet our new therapist! –  Hannah Lenertz

Meet our new therapist! – Hannah Lenertz

Hannah Lenertz, MPS, LADC Hannah has clinical experience in treating individuals, couples, and groups, with issues related to grief, anger, depression, anxiety, relationships, co-occurring disorders, and trauma. She will be practicing out of our location. If you are interested in…

Meet our new therapist! – Katherine Borud

Meet our new therapist! – Katherine Borud

Katherine Borud, MA Katherine has clinical expertise working with children, adolescents, individuals, couples and families with issues related to anxiety, life transitions, self-esteem, and family or relational conflict. She will be practicing out of our location. If you are interested…