Video: When Is It Time To Seek Mental Health Therapy

Do I need professional help or psychotherapy for emotional or behavioral problems?

There are several important factors to consider when deciding whether to seek a mental health professional for help emotional and behavioral problems. Some of these factors include subjective levels of pain, your functioning, and symptoms at home and at work. Here are some guidelines to help you with this decision-making process.

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When Should You Ask for Help?

Depression is a complex mental health issue that...

The Best Age Gap For Relationship Satisfaction

Many people are attracted to a younger partner, but is it worth it in the long run? The best age gap for marital satisfaction is…none at all, research finds. In the long run couples who are mismatched in age tend to be less satisfied, even if they are better off at first. Both men and women are initially particularly satisfied when they get a younger husband or wife. Professor Terra McKinnish, who co-authored the study, said: “We find that men who are married to younger wives are the most satisfied,

Suffering a Loss, Grief and Bereavement

Grief starts with Attachment Attachment &...
A Really Strange Way To Make People Feel More Empathy

A Really Strange Way To Make People Feel More Empathy

Make others empathise more with this really strange method. Having people touch rough sandpaper makes them more empathetic, a new study finds. Being in a small amount of discomfort helps people empathise with others in pain. Other ways of putting people in a small amount of discomfort may also work in a similar way. The study was looking at ways to increase donations to charity. Dr Chen Wang, the study’s first author, said: “We found that when people were experiencing mild discomfort as a result of touching a rough surface,

The Type of Probiotic That Reverses Depression

The Type of Probiotic That Reverses Depression

The probiotic buffered the body against the damaging effects of stress. Depression has been reversed in mice by feeding them probiotic bacteria, new research reports. Lactobacillus is a type of ‘good’ bacteria found in yogurt, among other foods. The role of the gut microbiome — the bacteria which live in our gut — has become a focus of research interest recently. Dr Alban Gaultier, who led the study, said: “The big hope for this kind of research is that we won’t need to bother with complex drugs and side effects

The Very Best Learning Method Is Not Taught To Students Or Teachers

The Very Best Learning Method Is Not Taught To Students Or Teachers

The one learning technique which works best is the one that students use the least. Spreading out learning over time is one of the most effective strategies. So-called ‘distributed practice’ means breaking up learning into short sessions. People learn better when they learn in these short sessions spread over a long period of time. The reverse — cramming in a short space of time — doesn’t work that well. Despite this, distributed practice is very infrequently used by students and may not be highlighted as a top strategy to them

The Best Exercise To Improve Brain Function

The Best Exercise To Improve Brain Function

With age people’s memory and thinking naturally slows down — but this process can be held in check. Lifting weights is one of the best ways of protecting brain function, research finds. The study found that increased muscle strength improved brain function in people with Mild Cognitive Impairment. LIfting weights was more effective than doing brain training exercises. Dr Yorgi Mavros, the study’s first author, said: “What we found in this follow up study is that the improvement in cognition function was related to their muscle strength gains. The stronger

Depression Reduced By This Ancient Method

Depression Reduced By This Ancient Method

People in the study were suffering from a major depressive disorder. Yoga and deep breathing classes twice a week are effective treatments for depression, new research finds. They could be used as alternatives to drugs or in addition to them, the researchers suggest. The type of yoga used in the study is named after B. K. S. Iyengar. It is a form of Hatha yoga and focuses on being precise in the postures and the control of the breathing. For the study, 30 people were given yoga classes and told

Most People Don’t Know This Is The Best Way To Empathise

Most People Don’t Know This Is The Best Way To Empathise

People are mistaken about the best way to understand other people’s minds. The best way to know other people’s minds is to put yourself in their shoes, new research suggests. This is not what people expect, though. Instead, people assume that reading facial expressions and body language is a better way of understanding the emotional states of others. Study authors, Drs Haotian Zhou and Nicholas Epley said: “People expected that they could infer another’s emotions by watching him or her, when in fact they were more accurate when they were

This Little-Known Supplement Improves Sleep

This Little-Known Supplement Improves Sleep

Supplement found to buffer the body against stress and improve sleep. For a long time probiotics — the so-called ‘good bacteria’ in fermented foods and elsewhere — have been linked to all sorts of physical and psychological benefits. Now the lesser-known prebiotics are getting in on the act. Prebiotics are dietary fibres found in foods such as: Onions, leeks, artichokes, and chicory. Prebiotic fibre — also available as dietary supplements — can improve the health of your gut by helping beneficial bacteria to multiply. New research has found that prebiotics

This Common Beverage May Help Fight Dementia

This Common Beverage May Help Fight Dementia

Studies on both humans and mice have suggested a protective effect. Caffeine — along with 24 other compounds — could help to protect against dementia. The protective effect comes from an enzyme called NMNAT2 that was discovered last year. Professor Hui-Chen Lu, who led the study, said: “This work could help advance efforts to develop drugs that increase levels of this enzyme in the brain, creating a chemical ‘blockade’ against the debilitating effects of neurodegenerative disorders.” NMNAT2 plays a dual role. It guards neurons against stress and helps fight the