The Everyday Foods That Reduce Social Anxiety

People who are particularly neurotic may benefit from this group of common foods — plus exercise. People who eat more fermented foods have lower social anxiety, a new study finds. The benefit is particularly noticeable amongst people who are highly neurotic. Neurotic people are prone to anxiety. Fermented foods that are a regular part of the Western diet include milk, cheese, yoghurt and bread. They typically contain probiotics, which are likely behind the benefit. Professor Matthew Hilimire, one of the study’s authors, said: “It is likely that the probiotics in

The Popular Supplement That Boosts Memory And Learning

For the research 166 people carried out cognitive tasks while the blood flow in their brains was measured. Higher omega-3 fatty acids levels are linked to greater blood flow in memory and learning areas of the brain, new research finds. Omega-3 fatty acids have been shown to fight changes in the brain linked to dementia. Dr Daniel G. Amen, the study’s first author, said: “This is very important research because it shows a correlation between lower omega-3 fatty acid levels and reduced brain blood flow to regions important for learning,

2 Easy Ways To Make Memories That Last A Lifetime

Why some memories last a lifetime and others are quickly forgotten. Memories that last a lifetime need to be linked to lots of other memories, plus they need to be a bit weird. Professor Per Sederberg, an expert on memory, thinks the idea of peculiarity is vital to understanding memory: “You have to build a memory on the scaffolding of what you already know, but then you have to violate the expectations somewhat. It has to be a little bit weird.” This ‘scaffolding’ means connections to other memories. For example,

Signs Of Depression Revealed By Social Media Photos

Posting this type of image online linked to depression. People who are depressed can be identified from their social media photos 70% of the time, new research finds. Depressed people have a tendency to post (literally) darker pictures. They are also more likely to use a filter to convert their images to black-and-white. Dr Christopher Danforth, who co-authored the study, explained the signs to look for: “Our analysis of user accounts from a popular social media app revealed that photos posted by people diagnosed with depression tended to be darker

This Natural Juice Helps Keep Your Brain Young

This Natural Juice Helps Keep Your Brain Young

Older brains can perform like younger ones with this supplement. A beetroot juice supplement can make older brains perform like younger ones, new research shows. The supplement was given to older adults just before they worked out. Professor Jack Rejeski, a study co-author, said: “We knew, going in, that a number of studies had shown that exercise has positive effects on the brain. But what we showed in this brief training study of hypertensive older adults was that, as compared to exercise alone, adding a beet root juice supplement to

8 Fascinating Facts About Anxiety Worth Knowing

8 Fascinating Facts About Anxiety Worth Knowing

Surprising facts about anxiety include that it affects the sense of smell and balance, how we judge faces and perceptions of our personal space, and more… Anxiety can be crippling in excess, but it does exist for a good reason. Anxiety tells us we’re in danger and we need to do something. It was our anxious ancestors who prepared better for winter and made plans to fight off neighbouring tribes. The relaxed, laid-back guys never made it. But anxiety’s effects aren’t limited to motivation, they seep through the mind to

The Common Pill That Sadly Lowers Women’s Wellbeing

The Common Pill That Sadly Lowers Women’s Wellbeing

Women reported lower mood, self-control and energy. The most common form of the contraceptive pill lowers women’s wellbeing, new research finds. Women who took a combination of ethinylestradiol and levonorgestrel — a common combination — reported lower mood, self-control and energy. This was in comparison to a control group given a placebo. Dr Niklas Zethraeus, the study’s first author, said: “Despite the fact that an estimated 100 million women around the world use contraceptive pills we know surprisingly little today about the pill’s effect on women’s health. The scientific base

Single Or Married: Which Is The Most Fulfilling Life?

Single Or Married: Which Is The Most Fulfilling Life?

Psychologist challenges the orthodox view with evidence from studies conducted over 30 years. Single people are more likely to experience psychological growth and development than those who are married, a psychologist claims. This is just one perk of being single which is often ignored. Others include greater sociability and resilience. The conclusions come from surveying 814 studies conducted over 30 years. Dr Bella DePaulo, addressing the American Psychological Association’s 124th Annual Convention, said: “The preoccupation with the perils of loneliness can obscure the profound benefits of solitude. It is time

The Type Of Daydreaming Linked To A Smarter Brain

The Type Of Daydreaming Linked To A Smarter Brain

Some types of mind wandering may be highly beneficial to our brains, and our futures. Intentional daydreaming is linked to a thicker cortex (a good thing) in certain key areas of the brain, new research finds. Directing the mind to wander is a cognitive skill that can be beneficial in some contexts. For example, it can allow us to mentally rehearse upcoming events, or solve problems we might encounter. In other words, it allows the brain to work out possible futures for us. So, mind wandering is not always a

The Emotion That Does Change People’s Behaviour After All

The Emotion That Does Change People’s Behaviour After All

Plus: four ways the effect of this emotion on behaviour change can be increased. Fear really can change people’s behaviour, a new review of the research finds. It was thought that using fear might produce a backlash effect — but this is not the case. Women are particularly susceptible to behaviour change by fear. Appeals which evoke fear are frequently used in all sorts of messages aimed at the public. For example, fear is used to try and stop people smoking or to support certain political policies. It is perhaps

10 Common Signs Of Anxiety Disorders Everyone Should Know

10 Common Signs Of Anxiety Disorders Everyone Should Know

The common signs of anxiety disorders are both psychological and physical. Anxiety comes in many forms, but all the different types often have certain core features. Like many mental health problems, almost everyone experiences anxiety from time-to-time. Whether it is a problem all depends on the amount and nature of the anxiety. Everyday anxiety in response to stressful events is normal, but severe anxiety in response to relatively minor events can be seriously disabling. Bear that in mind when reading the signs of anxiety. For example, a lot of people

The Secret To Emotional Control Most People Don’t Know

The Secret To Emotional Control Most People Don’t Know

Better emotional control is linked to lower levels of depression and anxiety. The key to healthy emotional control is to be flexible, new research finds. People with lower levels of depression and anxiety tend to vary their emotional control strategy successfully depending on whether the situation can be explained. Dr Peter Koval, one of the study’s authors, said: “Our results caution against a ‘one strategy fits all’ approach, which may be tempting to recommend based on many previous findings regarding reappraisal as a strategy for regulating emotion. Simply using any

Lessons from Spin Class: The Limitations of Encouragement

Lessons from Spin Class: The Limitations of Encouragement

I often find great empathy and identification with my clients in an unlikely place: at the gym. In a recent spin class, my instructor noticed that I wasn’t keeping pace with the rest of the class.“Come on, try harder!” he yelled. “You can do this!” “No sir, I can’t,” said the silent voice in my head. It wasn’t a matter of mind over matter. I was trying as hard as I could with the constraints I have. You see, my limitations are invisible. I have lived my entire life with

What Children Can Teach Us About Paying Attention

What Children Can Teach Us About Paying Attention

Thinking like a five-year-old can help you learn more in a new environment. Young children have one cognitive talent that most adults have forgotten. That is the ability to pay attention to everything. As adults we learn to focus our attention and block out distractions. But, sometimes being distracted means noticing and learning more. Professor Vladimir Sloutsky, study co-author, explained: “We often think of children as deficient in many skills when compared to adults. But sometimes what seems like a deficiency can actually be an advantage. That’s what we found