10 Common Signs Of Anxiety Disorders Everyone Should Know

The common signs of anxiety disorders are both psychological and physical. Anxiety comes in many forms, but all the different types often have certain core features. Like many mental health problems, almost everyone experiences anxiety from time-to-time. Whether it is a problem all depends on the amount and nature of the anxiety. Everyday anxiety in response to stressful events is normal, but severe anxiety in response to relatively minor events can be seriously disabling. Bear that in mind when reading the signs of anxiety. For example, a lot of people

3 Ways Worrying Is Surprisingly Good For You

The right amount of worrying can be beneficial to mind and body. Worry can be good for both mind and body, new research concludes. Worry can help to motivate us and work to protect the emotions. Psychologists find that people who worry more tend to: recover better from traumatic events, prepare and adapt to stressful events better, and do things to improve their health. For example, worriers are more likely to get mammograms, self-check their breasts and seek help for any problems. Professor Kate Sweeny, the study’s first author, said:

Electronics ban: What about the parents?

If you’ve never had to raise your children without the benefit of the electronic gadgetry, one can understand the panic the FAA’s ban on electronics is having on parents. The laptop & iPad ban endangers all travelers by preventing parents from entertaining melt-down prone toddlers on long international flights — Ian Brown (@igb) March 21, 2017 Have children ever flown on international flights before without the benefit of an iPad, for example? Has it ever been done? It has, the BBC is assuring people in the wake of the laptop

Memory: The Freakiest Ever Fact is Actually True

Simply remembering everything that happens to us is not the point of memory. Forgetting is the key to having a useful memory, a new psychology paper argues. Simply remembering everything that happens to us is not the point of memory. Our memories should help to guide us in making intelligent decisions in the situations we find ourselves. Dr Blake Richards, one of the study’s authors, said: “It’s important that the brain forgets irrelevant details and instead focuses on the stuff that’s going to help make decisions in the real world.”

Types of Anxiety Disorders

Types of Anxiety Disorders

At some point in our lives, most of us will experience anxiety. It’s actually a natural reaction to many stressors such as starting a new job, taking final exams, and becoming a new parent. Now for many people, the anxiety will subside once the stressor goes away. But...

The Three Types of Stress

The Three Types of Stress

Stress is a normal part of life. And a little bit of stress can actually be a good thing. For instance, when we lift weights, we are stressing our muscles, helping them to become bigger and stronger. Similarly, little bits of mental stress can help us become more...