Play Therapy for Children and Adolescents

Play therapy is a safe and supportive space where children use toys, games, and creative expression to explore their thoughts and feelings. Through guided play, they can work through difficult emotions, build self-esteem, and develop new coping skills.
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Quick Facts

  • Covered by Insurance – Covered by most insurance companies.
  • How It Works – In each session, your child will be able to express their feelings and thoughts using toys, games, and creative tools. Our trained therapist will gently guide the process, helping your child develop a deeper understanding of their emotions and empowering them to find solutions to their challenges.
  • Evidence-Based Treatment – Effective treatment for Children dealing with trauma, grief, anxiety, depression, behavioral issues, developmental delays, or social challenges.

Informational Video

Effective Treatment For

  • Trauma or grief
  • Anxiety or depression
  • Behavioral issues
  • Developmental delays
  • Social challenges

Play Therapy for Children and Adolescents


  1. Encourages Healthy Emotional Expression: Helps children safely express feelings they may not be able to articulate, giving parents insight into their child’s inner world.
  2. Builds Coping Skills: Equips children with tools to handle anxiety, stress, and challenging emotions in healthier ways.
  3. Improves Behavior and Emotional Regulation: Helps children learn how to manage their emotions, leading to improved behavior and emotional stability at home and school.
  4. Fosters Confidence and Self-Esteem: Creates a safe, supportive environment where children can grow in self-confidence and independence.
  5. Enhances Social and Communication Skills: Supports the development of positive interactions with peers, family, and others, which is crucial for a child’s overall well-being.

Why Play Therapy Can Make a Difference for Your Child

Play therapy offers children a unique and effective way to process their emotions, especially when they struggle to express themselves verbally. Through guided play, children can safely explore difficult feelings such as anxiety, grief, or anger, and communicate them in a way that feels natural to them. This process encourages healthy emotional expression, helping your child to better understand and articulate their thoughts and feelings.

In addition to emotional expression, play therapy equips children with valuable coping skills, allowing them to manage stress, anxiety, and behavioral challenges more effectively. As they engage in play, they develop problem-solving abilities, improve their social interactions, and build confidence. Over time, these skills lead to better emotional regulation and healthier behaviors both at home and in social settings. With the guidance of a trained therapist, play therapy empowers your child to heal, grow, and thrive emotionally.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is play therapy, and how does it work?

Play therapy is a specialized form of therapy designed to help children express their emotions through play. In a typical session, children use toys, games, or creative activities like drawing to communicate thoughts and feelings they may struggle to express verbally. The therapist observes and engages with the child during play, helping to uncover emotional or behavioral patterns and guiding the child toward healing and problem-solving.

How can play therapy help my child?

Play therapy allows children to express their emotions in a safe and non-threatening way, which is crucial when they’re not able to verbalize their feelings. It helps children work through anxiety, trauma, grief, or behavioral issues, and gives them tools to manage stress. The therapeutic process fosters emotional regulation, builds self-esteem, and improves social and communication skills, all of which can lead to more positive behaviors and emotional stability.

What types of issues can be treated with play therapy?

Play therapy is highly effective for children dealing with a wide range of issues, including trauma, grief, anxiety, depression, behavioral problems, developmental delays, and social challenges. It’s a versatile approach that can be tailored to your child’s unique needs, helping them navigate and overcome their emotional struggles.

How long does play therapy take to show results?

The length of time varies depending on the child and the issues being addressed. Some children may show improvements within a few sessions, while others might need a longer-term commitment. Generally, therapists will work with parents to assess progress regularly and adjust the therapy as needed to best support the child’s healing.

Is play therapy only for young children?

While play therapy is most commonly used for younger children, it can also benefit older children and even adolescents. The approach and activities may differ depending on the age of the child, but the core goal of helping them express and process their emotions in a developmentally appropriate way remains the same.